1. The major objectives of the State Council are:
2. To initiate action for promoting child welfare services in neglected areas.
3. To promote and undertake welfare services for both normal and handicapped children.
4. To influence the formulation of general child welfare policies and programmes within the State.
5. To initiate, undertake or aid directly or through its branches' schemes for furtherance of Child Welfare in Punjab.
6. To PROMOTE generally the WELFARE OF CHILDREN in Punjab having regard to their social, economic and other needs ;
7. To ORGANISE and maintain institutions for the TRAINING of child welfare workers and to encourage their employment for child welfare work and to help, wherever possible, in the extension of facilities in existing institutions for course of special training in child welfare ;
8. To PROMOTE dissemination of knowledge and information and to EDUCATE PUBLIC OPINION for child welfare programmes on a scientific basis ;
9. To perform all such OTHER ACTS as may be necessary or proper for the achievement of any or all of the objectives of the Council ;
10. To seek CO-OPERATION AND CO-ORDINATION from other agencies both governmental and non-governmental for the organisation and administration of the schemes and collection of funds furtherance of child welfare in Punjab ;