Child Welfare Council, Punjab organises State Level Children's Day Function every year on 14th November to commemorate the birth anniversary of Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, who had a great love for children. Different competitions like Group Dance, Group Song/Solo Song, Poetry/Paper Reading Competitions are organised on the occasion. In these competitions, children from all the districts of Punjab participate. A Souvenir of the Child Welfare Council, Punjab is also brought out on the occasion every year. The winners of these competition are given Medals/Trophies & certificates. Participation certificates are given to all the participants.
The bravery awards are given to children between the ages of six to eighteen and committed acts of bravery. The award includes a medal, a certificate, and a cash prize.
Each year, the ICCW, New Delhi receives applications for the Bravery Award for Children and Youth. These applications come from official agencies such as local and district governments, school authorities, and councils for child welfare. The applications complete in all respects received by 30 September to be eligible for selection
To explore the hidden talent of children, Child Welfare Council, Punjab organises Painting Competition at District/Divisional Level every year. The paintings of the State Level Painting Competition winners are sent to the Indian Council for Child Welfare, New Delhi for National Painting Competition. The Winners of State Level Painting Competition are presented medals/certificates every year by the Council.
To give equal importance to the Girl Child in society, Lohri of girl children is celebrated every year in ICDS Blocks & Anganwadi Workers Training Centres being run by the Council. Parents of the girl children are congratulated and gifts are presented to the newly born girls. Functions are organised in which folk songs related to Lohri & Gidha is presented on the occasion.
'Breast Feeding Week' is celebrated every year in all the 3 ICDS Blocks & 5 Anganwadi Workers Training Centres being run by the Council every year from 1st August to 7th August. Functions in this connection are organised wherein the importance of Breast Milk is highlighted. Mothers are informed that breast milk is a complete food for the baby and it protects the child from different diseases.
'Nutrition Week' is celebrated in all the 3 ICDS Blocks & 5 Anganwadi Workers Training Centres being run by the Council every year in the first week of September. Function are organised in this connection wherein pregnant mothers, lactating mothers and women in the age group of 15-45 years are specially invited. The importance of a balanced diet is highlighted on the occasion. The gathering is informed that a daily diet must include cereals, pulses, milk and milk products, green vegetables and fresh fruits. Demonstration of low cost nutritious recipes is also given on the occasion.